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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Still driving back. It came up on Spotify about 30 min ago.
  2. Black hole Sun by Soundgarden was the play.
  3. I will be looking into trips in the near future. Luxor, Egypt looks insanely interesting. Almost 7 minutes of totality. It’s like two eclipses in one.
  4. And now the sun is out in Western New York.
  5. My phone picture is terrible, but I didn’t go into this trying to get a good picture. The sun and sky looked like every classic total eclipse you’ve seen in any picture.
  6. Prouty Beach, Newport, VT. 90 minutes east of Burlington. Right next to the Canadian border. The sun was behind a very high, very thin translucent cloud. Probably 95% or more clear. It was 100% up until about 3 o’clock. It only caused minor scattering in the direct vicinity of the sun.
  7. Those faster moving clouds are why we decided to abandon Burlington. We’re doing our best to outrun them. Lol 24 hours ago the forecast was perfectly clear for 90 miles in any direction.
  8. We are currently at the University of Vermont in Burlington Vermont. Just finished breakfast. However, the forecast looks like we’re on the edge of clouds. Given how far we’ve come, I think we’re gonna drive another 90 minutes to Newport, Vermont to maximize our chances.
  9. Also, did you used to play in the red hot chili peppers?
  10. While not dedicated to see every one, back in 2017 I suggested to my daughter that we should visit places around the world to see them when they occur. So I am on board.
  11. I am an eclipse veteran. We are staying with a friend from TBD in Salem New York. it’s a 2 hour drive tomorrow. We will beat the traffic and we know a great place to go and hang out for the day. It’s what we did in South Carolina back in 2017. Meanwhile, the good people of Buffalo hospitality industry are canceling hotel contracts made two years ago to resell those rooms at 3x+ the rate. And the roads are perfectly clear right now. Getting there isn’t a problem. Leaving is the issue.
  12. We changed our plans and instead of going to Buffalo that’s where we’re going. Just passed New York City.
  13. This is insanely dismissive. We have the world's complete knowledge at our finger tips. We know what everything looks like. Why go anywhere? Why experience anything with your own eyes?
  14. We went down to Columbus South Carolina to see it. It should have been, I believe, a one hour trip back to the airport. It was easily 4 1/2 hours before we pass the airport. We missed our flight and we decided to just drive back home.
  15. That’s a really good question and I’m not sure of the details. My presumption is that at least one side would have various construction vehicles. Maybe that also included the other side. I really don’t know. I’m pretty sure it’s a toll bridge, so I don’t know if they were able to notify them. If I find out the actual answer, I’ll report back.
  16. There was less than 100 seconds warning time. There was no way to get a vehicle to the middle and back, nor was there time to walk/run/sprint.
  17. “I don’t need information to make a decision” doesn’t sound all that compelling to be honest.
  18. I have absolutely no knowledge of the details surrounding Jack Quinn‘s medical condition, but I would like to take time out of my day to tell you why the Sabres are mishandling him…
  19. Maybe I should sit outside his house and plan to beat/kill him. Would that be more in line with your masculinity Hank?
  20. OK Dunning-Krueger. 🙄 There is an onside and there is an offside. There are no multiple sides that are off. It is unequivocally singular. It’s cringy. You hear it from dumb jocks on broadcasts because they barely got out of high school. Then the public repeats it. It’s the same exact scenario in football where they say a team has a +10 turnover ratio when it’s actually a differential. Both are grossly incorrect and repeated incessantly by dumb ex-jocks.
  21. This probably applies to STHs that sell 100% of their games.
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